What is COSA?

A 12-step recovery program for those affected by compulsive sexual behavior.

What is the COSA Zoom Room?

The COSA Zoom Room (CZR) maintains Zoom Rooms to enable members to attend meetings remotely.

COSA Diversity Statement

  • The only requirement for COSA membership is that our lives have been affected by compulsive sexual
  • COSA welcomes people of all genders, in all varieties of relationship, all religious and spiritual preferences,
    any employment or marital status, and all ethnicities, cultures, and languages.
  • COSA does not discriminate based on class, financial status, national origin, sexual or gender identification,
    or physical or mental challenges.
  • In COSA, we find hope, whether there is a sexually addicted person currently in our lives or not.
  • Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon COSA unity.

CZR: Administers online meeting rooms.

CZR Intergroup: Representatives of each meeting are invited to meet monthly to do the work of CZR.

COSA: You'll find the answer on the ISO website.


CZR Intergroup Mission Statement

The mission of the COSA Intergroup is to coordinate joint efforts among the COSA Zoom Room meetings, including, but not necessarily limited to the following:

  • Managing operational aspects that affect all the Zoom Room meetings, such as serving as an intermediary with the ISO or managing aspects of the website.

  • Managing financial aspects of Zoom Room, such as managing the 7th tradition, paying bills, sending 7th tradition donations to the ISO, and distributing scholarships.

  • Collecting feedback and input from the Zoom Room meetings and providing consistent information to each group about aspects such as the ISO, website, or finances.

  • Coordinating joint efforts to educate Zoom Room meeting members, such as scheduling speakers or planning retreats.

CZR Intergroup Representatives

Every CZR meeting has a right and responsibility to send a representative to this meeting. If your group needs help in this process, e-mail  cosazoomroom@gmail.com to request guidance.

The responsibility of a representative is to:

  • Attend the monthly meetings

  • Bring issues from your meeting to the Intergroup by requesting an agenda item for the following month

  • Take items that need to be voted on or information that needs to be shared with your group for discussion and vote.