Meeting Schedule
What is a COSA meeting? A COSA meeting provides a structured format (usually for one hour) in which to share readings, resources, and our stories in empathetic, respectful, non-judgmental surroundings. Less structured time is usually available after each meeting for an exchange of questions and answers.
Here are all the meetings we have for COSAs. If you want to attend a meeting you need to email the organizer.
- Click Week, Month or Schedule at top right to see the calendar in your preferred view.
- Click Add to Google Calendar at bottom left to add this as a new calendar to your chosen Google account, displayed in your time zone.
- Click any meeting to see the information about that meeting.
- Click here to see all the different types of meetings.
- If you want to attend a meeting, contact us here.
Type/Script | Description |
Topic Meeting | Share Experience, Strength, and Hope (ESH) about aselected topic. Some meetings are tailored to specific groups or needs. All are welcome. |
New Members Meeting | Learn about COSA and where to find resources. Ask questions and make connections. |
Sexual Anorexia-Avoidance | Focusses on the experience of COSAs dealing with compulsive avoidance of sexual intimacy. All are welcome. |
Adult Children of Sex Addicts (ACSA) | A safe space to talk about how the compulsive sexual behavior of trusted adults in our lives wounded us as young children. |
Healthy Intimate Relationships (HIR) | Both partners in a relationship are welcome, as are COSAs who do not currently have a partner. Seeing other couples helps us develop a greater capacity for empathy and emotional intelligence |
Step Study | A group of members work the steps together on an agreed schedule. The group may act as a member’s “sponsor”. |
Workshop | Interactive presentations of COSA steps, tools, principles, and traditions. |
Business Meeting | Each meeting may conduct a business meeting on a regular schedule or when it is deemed necessary. |
Inventory Meeting | Each meeting may conduct an inventory meeting on a regular schedule or when deemed necessary. |
How to Start a New Meeting in the COSA Zoom Room
Meetings are created to honor the COSA Fifth Tradition, “Each group has but one primary purpose– to carry its message to those who still suffer. We do this by practicing the Twelve Steps ourselves.”
Each COSA meeting is autonomous. Following our Fourth Tradition, meeting names, times and topics may be chosen by group conscience.
We gently suggest that Trusted Servants have completed their Fifth Step and have an active sponsor.
When seeking to start a new meeting in the COSA Zoom Room (CZR) we ask that you complete the following steps:
Step One:
Send a request to the CZR Intergroup by the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
New meeting requests are reviewed once per month by Intergroup members.
Include the following information:
- We request use of a ZoomRoom for a new [daily/weekly/monthly/other] meeting.
- This will be a [topic/step study/HIR/meditation/literature review/other] type of meeting.
- The name we have chosen for the meeting is: [meeting name]
- We would like to hold our first meeting at [time and timezone] on Day, Month, Date, Year.
- The meeting is proposed by the following members: [names]
- Intergroup member to represent meeting: [name]
Step Two:
After the CZR Intergroup has approved the meeting, register the meeting with the ISO of COSA
When prompted for the email address of the meeting, we recommend you use but it is not required to do so.
Step Three:
After the meeting has been registered with the ISO of COSA, email the registration form to the CZR Intergroup at that includes the official Meeting Number.
Step Four:
Email an announcement of the new meeting details to for inclusion in the next COSAs in the Know email campaign. This will help spread awareness of the new meeting to the COSA fellowship.
Please do not include the password in the announcement.