COSA Terms, Abbreviations, and Fellowships

Attending COSA meetings for the first time can be overwhelming and confusing. We’ve collected a list of abbreviations and terms we use to make it easier to understand what’s going on. This is not a complete list! Please reach out to anyone in your meeting if you need an explanation or clarification – or any other kind of support.


Closed Meeting = Open only to those who identity as COSA – “Having had our lives affected by compulsive sexual behavior”. This limits observers, therapists, students and other professionals from attending the meetings.

Double winner / Triple winner = one who is a member of two or three fellowships


2BX = To be Ex (partner)
ACSA = Adult Children of Sex Addicts
BF/GF = Boyfriend, Girlfriend
D-Day = disclosure / discovery day
EA = Emotional Affair
ESH = Experience, Strength, and Hope
FOO = Family of Origin
F2F = Face to Face (fellowship meetings)
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
MB = Masturbate
OW, OM = Other Woman/Man
PA = Porn addict, Porn addiction
SA = Sex addict, Sexual addiction
SAB, SAG = Sex addict Boyfriend/Girlfriend
SAH, SAW = Sexually Addicted Husband/Wife or Sex Addict Husband/Wife
SLAH, SLAW = Sex and Love Addicted Husband/Wife
TWYN & LTR = Take what you need and leave the rest (TWYL = Take what you like…)


AA = Alcoholics Anonymous
ACA = Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families
Al-Anon = Relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems
ACOA = Adult Children of Alcoholics
CoDA = Codependents Anonymous – a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships
COSA = Recovery program for men and women whose lives have been affected by compulsive sexual behavior
CoSLAA = Co-Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
DA = Debtors Anonymous
EA = Emotions Anonymous
NA = Narcotics Anonymous
OA = Overeaters Anonymous
RCA = Recovering Couples Anonymous
SA = Sexaholics Anonymous
SAA = Sex Addicts Anonymous
S-Anon = “Those seeking recovery from the effects of another person’s sexual addiction.”
SCA = Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
SLAA = Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
SRA = Sexual Recovery Anonymous
SRA-Anon = Program for partners of Sexual Recovery Anonymous